Make caring your career.

If you become a home carer with Comfort Keepers, you may be surprised at the various supports and benefits you will enjoy. Once the interview process is complete, references checked, and Garda Vetting forms returned, we will match you with suitable clients. We do our utmost to find the best carers for our clients.
Depending on your geographical location, there may be some driving time between visiting client but we try to keep it to a minimum. Nonetheless, we provide a per kilometre mileage rates for our carers.
Our community
Although you are working on your own tending to clients, we very much want our carers to feel part of our busy and vibrant company. You can ask advice at any time and we encourage questions and discussion. You will receive invitations to carer events and coffee mornings, you will receive regular memos and newsletters via email and we conduct reviews at 3 / 6/9-month stages too. There are bi-annual appraisal meetings when there is a two-way conversation between you and your mentor, you can give feedback too. These don’t have to be limited to every six months as we operate an open-door policy.
You have two years to complete the QQI Level 5 Award (specific to homecare) when you become a carer with us. We provide this free of charge.
We apply for various national awards and we always celebrate our achievements within our local offices and nationally too. Our company grew by 65% in 2013 and therefore, we like our new carers to be an important part of this expansion and success.
If you are in receipt of social welfare payments and would like to return to work, do contact us and we will talk you through the process as you will be able to retain some of the payments along with your salary. Part-time work while children are in school is also an excellent way to return to full-time employment.
Connect with us
To begin starting care for your loved one, you can click here.
To join our incredible award-winning team, you can apply now by clicking here or emailing your CV to recruitment@comfortkeepers.ie